Today in Relief Society, the teacher said, "When you say no to something, you're really saying yes to something else"
I really think that's my new mantra for life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to become a selfish, do only what I want to do person, but it's really a step to positive thinking.
So here's my big confession. I compulsively pick at my face. I don't tell people and I'm super ashamed of it. For those of you who knew, you know the self-hate and hopelessness that goes along with it. If you had to ask me what I hate most about myself, there it is. I've been doing it since I was about 10 and ten years later, I really haven't gone a day without doing it. Sure, there have been a few times when I've stopped for a few days(trust me a HUGE accomplishment) and last school year, I stopped for 6 weeks, but I fell off the track and now it's back as bad as ever before. I will spend hours looking for problems, real or imagined and attack, trying to (in my mind) fix myself.
OK, so enough about my problem. Here's the deal: I'm going to stop. I'm saying no to picking and by saying no, I'm saying yes clear skin and loving myself; I'm saying yes to being happier and more healthy. I'm believing in myself.
Here is goes, the 30 day challenge; a step to being healthier, to breaking a bad habit and saying yes to being better. I'm using this blog as something to keep me accountable and when I succeed, it will be the thing I am most proud of out of all of my many accomplishments.