Friday, April 16, 2010

It's that time of year again...

Finals week...ummm yeah, it's here again and started today with me driving Pieter to campus at 6:30 so that he could be early to his final like he likes. I'm taking Evolutionary Biology tomorrow and then Art History on Monday, tissue bio on Tuesday and fitting in Cell bio sometime before the end of Tuesday. I'm spending today doing a lot of prep work for the finals, prewriting essays, studying, wasting time, etc. At least I'm not like P who has 6 to take by then(at least 2 are religion).

Normally I would be frantically packing and dreaming of going home but this year we're hopping on a plane Wednesday morning and flying down to Texas to see P's family. I've never been to Texas before so I'm excited to check that one off on my states list but a little scared about the humidity and heat. Then it's back to Provo for Spring semester classes. I'm taking the maximum credits(9), but it probably won't be too bad being as it's Pathophysiology, Intro to Computer Programming, and then the last two credits are just TAing for physiology 305. Ok so the first two classes are not easy by any means by that's just 7 credits of classes so I can do it. I have to TA for free or research for free for my major...I think it's just a sneaky way of filling their positions and labs without having to pay for it. P's taking 9 credits as well, but they're all real classes.

oh, and I'm getting my hair cut today at 3; I'm pretty excited, just haven't decided the length/style. If you'd asked me last week, I would have said to have it be a REALLY short pixie cut, but that bee seems to have left my bonnet, I don't know. I'll probably go with one inch below my shoulders, side bangs, layers throughout and thinned...blah. It's what I've gotten since senior year of high school. I feel like that's so boring and I want something new, but I'm just so scared and safe. I'm kind of vain/protective about my hair because I know the color's really unique(just wish I could style it better). Anyway, so I'm just scared to make a mistake on it. Anyway, in 3 hours we'll see :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Do you ever wish you could apologize?

Are there ever times when you wish you could apologize but you missed your chance?

I have a difficult time apologizing. I'm much better at it now than I used to be, but you can't go back and change things.

So here it goes:

I'm sorry, boy and girl who were talking on there cell phones in the lab that I was teaching in. I'm sorry I yelled at you. To my credit, I didn't know that you just found out that your mom had cancer or that you were talking to your husband in Iraq. All I knew was that you were talking on your cell phones loudly while I was trying to teach. I should have spoken nicer or been more tactful; instead I got angry and that was wrong.

I'm sorry, but you'll never know that because I don't know who you even are. I hate that.