Not going to lie, we get some sweet visitors here in Pittsburgh (Did I ever mention the new Batman was being filmed here when we got here? Yeah, our Mini Cooper dealership said 'Mini of Gotham City' for the first 2 weeks). The current administration loves Pittsburgh and their pancakes so they make appearances pretty regularly. On Friday, Vice President Biden came to speak at Pitt and I snagged tickets for us to go. Second row, less than 20 feet away... BAM! We were so stoked. Whatever your political leanings are, Joe Biden is amazing to listen to. His final words of all of it were especially meaningful as members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (talking about Mitt Romney): "I find it preposterous that in 2011, we're debating whether or not a man is qualified or worthy of your vote based on whether or not his a disqualifying provision...It is not. It is embarrassing and we should be ashamed, anyone who thinks that way." He also shook my hand twice afterwards. I reached out, he shook it. He got distracted with a question and then put his hand out again. I didn't want to be rude, so I shook it, lol.
Afterwards, "he" signed our tickets. He meaning, the intern in the back with the signature machine. :) Pretty great day!