Saturday, we kept things easy since we'd been traveling since Sunday, and hey, why not, it was Chicago! First we battled a killer rainstorm driving into Chicago from Rockford (Rockford Peaches!- I may or may not have chosen to stop there because of A League of Their Own). Is it bad to be totally grateful that Pieter was driving? We went and spent ALL day in the Museum of Science and Industry. Coolest museum ever...hands down, we spent 5 hours there and didn't get close to seeing it all. There was a whole room on the space program with video, simulators and artifacts.
Me geeking out over the Apollo 8 landing capsule. For those of you who don't know, Apollo 8 was the first to orbit the moon and piloted by none other than Jim Lovell, who I got to hear speak last year and geeked out then too :) |
Weather exhibits, trains, a 707 jet, baby chicks hatching, Body Worlds, fetuses from all stages of pregnancy, a person plasticized and then dissected out to just the veins, arteries, and capillaries, and THE U-boat, yes, the Uboat.
Pieter by the German U-boat that the US attacked and boarded during WWII by Africa.
First time that we'd taken over an enemy ship since the War of 1812! This capture was a huge intelligence score and really gave us the upper hand over the Germans. It was a really patriotic exhibit and made me feel proud to be an American but you had to feel bad for the families of the men on the boat because their families were told that they died, since we had to keep them in hiding after capturing them (yeah, not so much within the Geneva convention) so that the Germans wouldn't change their cryptography codes.
Oh and that night we may or may not have stayed in South Bend, Indiana...another League of Their Own team.