Sunday, September 18, 2011

Falling Waters and Crystal

As Pieter says there are 2 words that never fail to bring a smile to my face: China and Crystal. Dang that boy knows me too well. Seriously, for my wedding registry what I cared the most about was the crystal. So when my parents were here, my mom mentioned that there was a Lenox Factory Outlet nearby that she used to visit, so why didn't we stop by there on the way to see Falling Waters. So the weekend was exactly my definition of perfect: parents, Greek food, architecture, china, and crystal.

We went in and my face literally lit up (just ask Pieter), aisles and aisles of china and crystal vases for cheap, cheap, cheap!. We were running late for our reservation at Falling Waters, so we stopped there, not once, but twice! Before and after so that my mom and I would have enough time there. I bought Christmas presents and then Pieter surprised me and picked out a gorgeous china bud vase for me as a surprise!
L by Lenox Silver Bouquet...

Falling Waters was great. I'd grown up hearing about it growing up and had visited the Dana house in Springfield, IL. Fun fact: did you know that a few years ago, Falling Waters was actually "falling into the water." Apparently in stretching the limits of architecture, Frank Lloyd Wright went a little too far and it was found, several decades later that the cantilevers (way the house is held up, think like a diving board) were bending with the stress of the weight. Don't worry, they put in reinforced steel beams and it's all okay now. Anyway, thanks to my parents we now own a popup coffee table book of his most famous houses. Come over and take a look! Seriously, it's THAT cool!