Friday, June 4, 2010

Poor Pieter...

First of all let me start out, poor, poor Pieter. Let me say it again, poor, poor Pieter.

So Pieter cut his own hair on his mission and I've been cutting his hair since we got married. I usually do a pretty good job...usually. Two nights ago was the exception, definitely the exception. Pieter had mentioned that he needed me to trim the back but I'm having a really busy week so it was after midnight before I had time. So I was doing the back but then noticed that there was a patch on the top that needed to be evened without thinking, , I took care of it...
A bald spot appeared and the two of us gasped in horror. I forgot to put the guard back on!

With me frantically appologizing, we did the only thing we could do...shaved him bald...well almost...less than 1/16 of an inch.

Seriously, I did the dumbest thing I could have ever done, I feel so bad! I'm pretty sure I'm firing myself from cutting his hair again for a long, long time.

On the positive side, you really notice his eyes more!

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