Sunday, September 19, 2010

Failed Recipe for the Win

So ever since the 100 Hour Board posted a recipe for sweet potato soup, I've had a bee in my bonnet to try one. Maybe it was that, maybe it was the fact that sweet potatoes were on sale at Buy Low, or maybe it was an attempt to expand Pieter's veggie repetoire of spinach salads and steamed carrots, not that I'm complaining but adding another thing definitely wouldn't hurt.
Whatever it was, it flopped. Earlier today, I went online and found a vegan recipe (we're out of milk, not that we've chosen that particular diet, though we really wouldn't mind becoming pescetarians...but I digress). Anyway, I was going for a creamy potato soup type of soup. So I chopped up the sweet potatoes and onions, let them boil, then with Pieter's help pureed them, reboiled them and added the spices and took a sip...meh, not really impressed.

Honestly the closest comparison I can give is baby food and I haven't craved that since I was about one and a half. Actually I really don't know any adults that do...with the exception of a certain sister who ate a jar of it to have the jar in order to send Cafe Rio sauce along with a burrito to her boyfriend in the MTC (that's commitment ladies). Anyway, if anyone has a GOOD sweet potato recipe, I want to try it!
PS here's a picture I took of the Golden Gate Bridge this summer :)

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