In a very belated Christmas post...Pieter got me a really nice new SLR camera for Christmas. So for once, I actually have pictures on my blog! I really feel inadequate for this camera but I'm trying. I remember when I got my very first camera when I was little I took a bunch of pictures and then opened the back to see how the pictures were doing. D'oh! Needless to say, I haven't done that yet(oh wait, it's digital) so I'm going to call it pretty good :)

Ward Christmas party before leaving.

/>We took the train out to California for Christmas again. There was tons of fresh snow so it was really gorgeous...but fresh snow meant that we had to stop a lot for them to clear the rails; add that to an overnight trip with a kid suffering from an ear infection in the car and the way out was no picnic, but we made it!

We spent Christmas evening at Pieter's grandma's house. Ignore me...I have as my wedding photographer kindly put it: my worst fake smile ever on. (Pieter enjoyed two weeks of no shaving...this was only the beginning)

Christmas dinner at my parent's house.

We spent a few days relaxing up at the cabin and taught Pieter how to ski. He did really well and ended up going down a blue by the end of the day and loved it. I hadn't been in a few years and was a little nervous...but the snow was probably some of the best I've skied in. A favorite part of the day was watching a 7 or 8 year old with no poles making slow pizza turns down my childhood nemesis black diamond run that my dad always had us ski down to go to lunch at the lodge(it was the way that involved the least walking). Needless to say, that kid wasn't as freaked out and didn't cry and complain like I used to. Oh and I made it down just fine that day too. :)

I finally faced my fears and we played Quelf with my family...I got the stick ice down your pants card and sing Ice, Ice Baby AGAIN!!! Seriously, what are the odds? At least this time wasn't the first night with my future in-laws...
My mom had to talk through a sock puppet for the game. For those of you who know my mom know that she had a lot of fun.

We spent a day up in SF with my parents to go to the de Young Museum to see the Van Gogh, Cezanne, and Gaugin exhibit from the Musee d'Orsay. It's currently traveling around the country right now while the Musee d'Orsay is being renovated so if you get a chance to go, definitely go!
Anyway so this is just a fun shot on the Bay Bridge that I really like and took while I wasntrying to figure out my camera.

These are just a few bridge shots where I was playing around, trying to be artsy :)

We also visited SFSU's campus while we were there and I have to say I really really really love SF probably too much judging by the space taken up by them on my memory card. A not-so secret goal of mine is to live in the city someday.
Anyway, that was Christmas! Better late than never right?
PS After being married for 18 months we finally have a butter present ever? Quite possibly.