Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Do YOU have room for a mousse?

So when I came home tonight Pieter showed me what had been doorbell ditched at our door:

Chocolate Mousse cupcakes! How cute and creative is that...not to mention delicious! Ok so you're going to have to envision a second cupcake with the eyes on it but someone was a little piggy and ate it before the picture was taken...oh wait that was me. They also signed it "Anonymousse" Anyway a big thank you to whoever thought of us!

Speaking of "mousses," my favorite puppet growing up was a shaggy moose puppet. My brother-in-law used to make it talk to us and once we got a card showing that Mr. Moose had snuck out to visit my sister and brother-in-law in Utah. Mr. Moose also pushed me down the stairs one time...thanks Amy (don't worry, Mom saw right through that one)

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