Sunday, March 20, 2011

See you later Grandma Margaret!

Earlier this week, my Grandma Margaret passed away. I'm not really sad; she had been deteriorating mentally for a long time and physically recently and just been so lonely and scared since my Grandpa passed away 17 years ago. I'm glad though, that Pieter and I got to go up this summer and visit her. One of my favorite memories of her was at my wedding. If you knew my Grandma, you knew that she always had TicTacs in her purse and gave them out as candies to everyone. It didn't matter if you were about to eat, at church, or just playing at her house, she would always start shaking out TicTacs. Well, during the pictures at my wedding she hurried over to me give me a TicTac. I'm so glad that the photographer was able to grab this shot, which is one of my favorite ones from that day

At the funeral, I got to see all but 2 of my cousins some of which I hadn't seen in forever.

Hearing everyone's favorite memories and knowing  and hearing testimonies that she's not gone forever comforting. Also, my dad and his brothers sang in a quartet that one of them had written and arranged which was magical, that's the only cheesy word I have to describe it. They're all extremely musically trained, great singers but don't ever get together and sing because of distance and that they had to do it a lot when they were little. I just wish someone had gotten a recording.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Just Keeps Getting Better

Yesterday, Pieter got an email from the University of Pittsburgh as well....


We're super super excited right now! This means that we can both go to grad school, and we'll almost for sure be back east next year (SF was the back up). Tonight we've been looking at the neighborhood and apartments. Neither of us have ever lived right in a big city before so it's really exciting and a little scary. If anyone has any recommendations or knows anyone there to give advice on good/bad places to live, we'd really appreciate it! Especially since Pieter's never been there, and the last time I was there, I was 11 and all I remember was playing the "This is where Mom and Dad used to live 40 years ago" game. Of course it's not 100% that we'll be there; we're still waiting on DC

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Dear Ms Mueller, We are pleased...

So I've been really nervous, like really, really. I just want to thank and at the same time apologize to all of you who have patiently listened to me stress over the last few weeks. At the beginning of last week, I all of a sudden started feeling really calm and of course, that chance made me a little anxious when I realized it. Thursday, I was talking to a friend in lab and he mentioned that he'd gone out to interview at Pitt 3 weeks ago. I tried to be happy for him, but on the inside I was really bummed. It confirmed to me that interviews had come and gone, and I didn't get one. It seemed that one more rejection loomed. I called my mom and shared my disappointment while making muffins for a class presentation the next day. My presentation went well and I went to my other two classes. After that I was done for the day and I started to go home. When I reached the door, I saw Pieter standing outside the door...I was a little puzzled being as I don't think anyone wanders into the MARB for fun and Pieter had never been to my class and I assumed didn't know where it was (Turns out I owe him finding me to some clever RouteY stalking!) He was beaming holding an envelope. I ripped it open and found out that I got accepted to the Master's of Public Health in Epidemiology at University of Pittsburgh!!!

The envelope had gotten mangled in the mail and ripped open a bit, allowing Pieter to read "We are pleased..." and it was a thick envelope (those thin ones are never good). He rushed to campus 2 hours before his classes to be able to give it to me. Isn't he sweet?

After that, things are a little spazzy hazy. I ran back into my class and stuttered out my good news. Apparently, I was skipping over to my lab while on the phone with my parents to take my plates out of the incubator. Excitement, giddyness, relief.

They wanted me! That reassured my confidence and the support and congratulations that have poured out from my friends and family have been incredible. I'm blown away by the number to people who are excited for us. I don't know yet if I'll go to the University of Pittsburgh; it's an excellent program(#11 in the country) but I'm still waiting on 3 other schools and Pieter's waiting on all of his since they were due later. Since we both want to go to graduate school, we have to see who'll accept both of us, but right now I'm just happy to ride the wave of excitement that I feel right now.

PS Oh and I'm supposed to tell you all that that night when Pieter offered to take me out for dessert to celebrate (I'd much prefer to go out to dessert than to of my Leslieisms), when given the choice of anywhere, I asked if we could go to the grocery store. Pieter questioned my strange choice but went along with it. So we went, and got fudge cake from the bakery and ice cream. Pieter is still shaking his head.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Quote of the Day

I cut through the freshman dorms most mornings when I walk to school and one apartment always has a quote written up on a whiteboard in their window, reminds me of the quote board my hall had freshman year :) A few days ago, this appeared:
Dear Students,
I know when you're texting because no one just looks down at their crotch and smiles.
Love, Your Teacher
It's been up for a couple of days now and makes me smile every time.