Sunday, March 20, 2011

See you later Grandma Margaret!

Earlier this week, my Grandma Margaret passed away. I'm not really sad; she had been deteriorating mentally for a long time and physically recently and just been so lonely and scared since my Grandpa passed away 17 years ago. I'm glad though, that Pieter and I got to go up this summer and visit her. One of my favorite memories of her was at my wedding. If you knew my Grandma, you knew that she always had TicTacs in her purse and gave them out as candies to everyone. It didn't matter if you were about to eat, at church, or just playing at her house, she would always start shaking out TicTacs. Well, during the pictures at my wedding she hurried over to me give me a TicTac. I'm so glad that the photographer was able to grab this shot, which is one of my favorite ones from that day

At the funeral, I got to see all but 2 of my cousins some of which I hadn't seen in forever.

Hearing everyone's favorite memories and knowing  and hearing testimonies that she's not gone forever comforting. Also, my dad and his brothers sang in a quartet that one of them had written and arranged which was magical, that's the only cheesy word I have to describe it. They're all extremely musically trained, great singers but don't ever get together and sing because of distance and that they had to do it a lot when they were little. I just wish someone had gotten a recording.

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