Friday, March 29, 2013

London Tuesday: Westminster Abbey, M&M World, and Covent Garden

After the Tower of London, we took the Tube back to visit Westminster Abbey (no queen to shut it down today!). We got there finally at 2 and got the audio-tour which was super good. I was great seeing the memorials or markers for so many famous (and not so famous) people. I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but I was always taught to walk around graves so that you don't ever step where the person is. Well, that is simply impossible here, since the floor is covered with memorial stone so I ended up doing some awkward steps and finally getting over it but anyway, moving on.

Unfortunately, since it's still a working church, no photography allowed. I thought it was nice though, that every hour they make an announcement for everyone to be led in a moment of prayer. We saw the coronation chair, which has been used for every crowning since. I was a little surprised at how worn it is and that they still use it, but tradition I guess!  I LOVED the ceiling in the chapel that Henry VII built and where most of the Tudor royals were buried.

Incredible ceiling (credit)

 The oldest door in England is at the abbey too and a museum is just outside that has the effigies(think maniquins) that used to be displayed of the royals on their coffins or in glass cases nearby to show was they really looked like. 

After, we went to Buckingham palace. The queen was home so no tours but she had her flag flying. We got to see the guards shift.
The Queen was home!

Palace gates

Statue across the street from the palace

Statue of the Queen Mum on the walk to Picadilly Circus

Then to Picadilly Circus where there were metallic painted people acting like statues for money, tourist shops, M
& M world. We weren't planning on going to M & M world and it's not really our usual type of thing but by that point our fingers were numb and we needed somewhere to go warm up. Turns out M & M world has M & M statues doing "British" things: soccer, abbey road, etc so it was pretty fun!

After, we went to Covent Garden to see the market/mall and sat and listened to a performer cover U2, Bob Marley, and Tears for Fears. He was really good. We listened for about an hour, plus it felt good to not stand after walking around all day. 

Then we went to the  Tube station to meet Sabrina for dinner. We ended up going to a yummy vegetarian place. Pieter didn't eat much and got BK later,
but I had salad and quiche made with butternut squash and then ate Pieter's too. Probably my favorite food yet.

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