Monday, May 24, 2010

Random thoughts of the day

  • Crazy snow-may 24th...seriously? and I love the way BYU announces that breaking limbs may have killed your car(don't worry we were safe)
    "Due to the heavy, wet snow, tree branches are bending and breaking - some are falling on cars all over the Wymount Terrace area. Please check your parking stall and move your car if it is being threatened.

    We realize you may not receive this message in a timely fashion, but it is the only way we have to quickly contact residents." PS: this wasn't even an email...seems strange that someone on blackboard can spam me and the rest of the people in the class asking me to take their survey with the click of a button but the housing office can't...
  • I have car envy every time I see an orange car...barring the money issue I'm too conservative to ever do it.
  • I got season 1 of American Dreams...thank you swagbucks :)
  • We had to order a new charger/cable for my laptop :(
  • 4 weeks until home!
  • new church calling...I'm excited
  • independent study physics...I need to get on it...I'm not very good at self pacing.
  • Birthdays up the wahzoo...but I'm staying on top of cards
  • dishes and laundry never go away
  • if a recipe calls for 10 cups of flour, you should probably half it, even if it is for cinnamon rolls...
  • The doctor (wakefield) who did the later found to be false study in 1998 'linking' autism and vaccines(only 12 patients, hasn't be replicated in numerous studies since, the control group was children at his son's birthday party; he claimed they also had bowel disease: 8 of the patients were found to be healthy with no when biopsies were later performed) got his medical license revoked in the UK today!!! The number of children who have died is appalling from their parents not vaccinating because they believed the study and vaccination rates are still lower than before the study because of the persistent belief. Just vaccinate your kids, k?(HPV too, getting a shot...or 3 doesn't make them become a skank) It's totally worth it.

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