Things I liked
-the previously mentioned bulk aisles
-prices($55) for a full car-score!
-the smell of coffee beans: they have a huge bulk gourmet coffee area, I really miss that smell in grocery stores
The Not so good
-Don't ever bring your kids here-they have lots of candy and individually prices snack items all at low levels, thankfully the "pull the handle and watch it all pour out" things are up high but huge flats of loose lollipops 2 feet off the ground? Who are they kidding?
-It's kind of far for normal shopping(15 minutes)
Anyway, so afterward we went to go borrow a book for P's linguistics class and ran to the mall to look at some paintings by a local artist; we just realized that we had $100 left from our wedding in Deseret book/visa gift cards; which were getting money taken off them tomorrow(isn't that the stupidest thing that they do that?). Then we made french dip sandwiches for dinner with peanut butter rice krispy treats for desert. Yum!
So after dinner we decided which painting to buy and I went to Deseret Book to get it. P and I are big painting fans. When we were first married, we got a boat on the ocean painting from an estate sale and with some work(it had horrible nicotine stains-my anti-smoking lesson, not that I needed one) by my talented Mom(her paintings are all at the cabin now so probably none of you will ever see them), it's now pretty again. Anyway, so that started our obsession with owning paintings. Anyway, we got a reproduction of "Divine Redeemer" by Simon Dewey, which is one of our favorites. I really love the light and shadowing that he puts in his pictures.
Then we ended tonight with popcorn and strawberries before P got sucked into doing homework and sexist language and the precise differences between 'flaunted' and 'flauted' :) Anyway, I thought I'd share our happy day!
Oh and I realize that I haven't mentioned my face in a long, long time, so I'll just let you guys know that I'm doing better, no mindless, drawnout sessions, but I still pick a little most days, but it's much better and I'm not picking at P, somethings he's extremely grateful for. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I'm feeling happier, less overwhelmed and busier(in a good way).
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