I realize that I get kind of contemplative and brooding on here sometime so I think it's time for some happy things, just so you all know that I'd not a depressing nightmare, but really happy most of the time with occasional throwbacks to the maturity of a five year old. So here are some shout outs for the week!
Some things that make me happy:
Teaching, I literally spent 2 hours of my Saturday night planning and making up study guides for my students because I wanted to help them do well on the next test. I get so excited and even giddy when one of them gets something that they were confused about before or I feel a lesson went really well. When I grade tests at home, P has to put up with outbursts of "Yes! he got it" or "Dang it, I know he knows this," or "uggghhh he mixed this up!" Maybe this is why P has started wearing headphones...
Goldfish crackers, love them, and that is the reason I can never ever buy the Costco box, even though it would be much more economical
shopping, confession I have an awful time spending money on myself, I feel that I don't need it or can't justify it, but I have no problem buying things for other people or P though. Anyway, P took me on Saturday(his idea) and I got bobby pins, elastics, really cool super-mini socks for my flats, moisturizer, and a new eyelash curler. yay!
knowing what I'm doing with my life(until I change my mind at least). Next April, I'm graduating with a BS in Physiology and Developmental Biology with minors in Molecular Biology and Computer Science(new change), going to graduate school to get a masters in biology(what emphasis i'm not sure yet) with the goal of being a teaching at the community college level. I'm stoked, litterally. I figured this out tonight and have been beaming all night
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