So Friday at 5, I had a 5 page art history research paper draft due for a peer review. It was comparing portrait styles in the High Renaissance with those in the Impressionist period by comparing La Muta by Raphael and Portrait of Mary by Degas. I'd read articles about the painting, made notes on points I wanted to address. I had everything done but the actually writing the paper part. So after my work meeting, I went down to the 1st floor atrium of the library at 11 with every intention of banging this paper out. When I write papers, I agonize over ever word that I put in. Is that the best way to say it, or would this be better instead? Consequently, I often take longer than really necessary on essays(don't even ask me how long I spent on my BYU admissions paragraphs)Because of this, I don't always have the most wiggle room for the inevitable catastrophes of life(foreshadowing). True to my form I finished at 4:45pm, just enough time to print the paper off and leisurely walk over to turn it in.
I go to print, but then realized that I didn't have my BYU ID card which is necessary to print on campus. I began to sweat and shake. This paper was a large part of my semester grade, I had done everything and done it on time, and now I was going to be screwed over because I didn't have my card. I called P to see if he could jump in the car and floor it so that I could use his answer. I called my sister to see if she was hanging out on campus, she was driving, 15 minutes away, no dice. Truly panicking, doubtful that I had enough time, but knowing that it was my best option, I ran down to the basement of the Wilk to the campus copy center where I could use my debit card and print it. I waited in line, got on a computer, printed, and paid. The cashier must have noticed my stress because she was efficient and fast(massive kudos to her) instead of chatty like normal(not that this is normally a bad thing). I grabbed the papers, slammed a staple in them, and checked my phone...4:54, 6 minutes left, better than I expected but still, this was going to be tight. I had to do it, all that mattered now was getting that paper in, image didn't matter. To what am I referring you ask? I sprinted across campus. Yes I was that awkward person that we've all seen: hunched over, full backpack bouncing, hurdling around people passing out flyers in Brigham Square(don't worry I still somehow managed to get a flier in my pocket after it was thrust into my face). I ran up the flights of stairs to the third floor to the office and threw it in the secretary's basket. I checked my cell phone: 4:58. SUCCESS!!! I did it! I could have done a touchdown dance.
So the next time that you see that awkward person sprinting across the quad be proud of them, because they have something that they're giving their all for.
Random post note: While I write this I'm making italian herb rolls, chicken diablo(chicken thighs cooked in a honey, mustard, butter, and curry sauce), noodles and green beans, yum!
I know I haven't checked in in a few days, but I'm doing great on my face; I'm happy and doing better than ever before. I've been good for one week, which is huge for me so yay!
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