Friday, March 26, 2010

Type 2 Diabetes Paper

I'm having an awful time narrowing down my thesis for my tissue bio research. I've done a ton of research and have a ton of data, just can't focus in on a good narrow, 8 page topic.

Type 2 diabetes is fascinating to me and it doesn't hurt that it's running rampant in the USA, or does it. I think I've learned too much at this point probably for my research paper. There's so much information out there on the subject because it's so widespread and there's tons of funding.

My paper's going to focus on insulin resistance's effects on skeletal muscle caused by elevated cytokines and chemokines. Not that that's terribly important for most of you but getting that out there helps me organize my thoughts.

I'm really wondering what percentage of my class is awake like me right now...not a small amount, that's for sure.

By the way, this is my second research paper for the week and 2 of 4 for the semester. In case you were wondering, in four weeks I should be a pro at this :)

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