Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Would you like fries with that?

I always wonder what the cashier thinks when P and I order burgers...

P: cheeseburger, ketchup only

Me: Hamburger, extra lettuce, extra tomatoes, onions, and ketchup

We're kind of the odd couple when it comes to eating. I hate casseroles, ground beef(unless in the burger variety) and sauce on pasta. I love raw fruits and vegetables and can't say no to any cookies or anything chocolate in the name. Before we were married, P mainly cooked and ate casseroles, ground beef, and if the pasta didn't have sauce, then it wasn't pasta. He eats veggies only if they're cooked and turned down the macademia caramel chocolate samples at Costco last week(don't worry, I had him go get one just so I could have 2)

And that's only our preferences, we're not even going to talk about frequency or times. Basically, heaven help our children. It's alright though, foodwise we do share one love...


Yep, our kids are screwed.

PS I did good today :)

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