Here's to popping out of the newlywed bubble! Tonight we went and played games with a couple from P's classes. It was really fun and made me think, why are we so antisocial. I swear, you get married and then just stay at home just the two of you all the time and from what I've heard it's not just us that have that problem, lol. So we're going to do better about that, I just get so anxious about the actually inviting part(yes, pathetic) but I'm going to work on that and thank you to friends for inviting us over. That ended what started out as a not so good the day quite well. So did that day start out not so good?
So you could say I got a new perspective yesterday. We live in a college age married ward, so everyone in the ward is newly-ish married and we have exactly one member of the primary. So, basically everyone goes to the adult Sunday school and sits in their little Noah's ark groupings, two by two and with the whole newlywed thing you can imagine that there's handholding, backrubbing, and whispering to each other.
Well yesterday P went home after sacrament meeting because his stomach was killing him(a combination of ulcers/hiatal hernia from the mission and about 3 servings to many of ice cream the night before). This happens about once a month, last semester culminating in a trip to the insta-care for throwing up blood. Anyway, so I was left to go to Sunday School and the rest of church alone. I sat down and the room filled in. Looking around me, I had empty chairs on either side and everyone else was paired up. I got pretty lonely. It was awful. I got sympathy looks others around me, but no one talked to me. I was fighting to keep back tears the whole first half of the lesson. It didn't help that I had woken up angry about other things going on in my life(I'm blaming daylight savings time).
It was then I began thinking of the people from home whose spouses aren't members or don't come to church and how awful that must be to come to church every week alone and sit there while everyone else is surrounded by family and friends. How easy it would be to become bitter or just not go. Those people must be really strong. I really admire their strength and testimonies because it really is hard, lonely, and awful. These people deal with it their whole lives. I'd never thought of this trial that they have and how strong they are just for keeping with the status quo. So here's to them and hopefully I'll be able to be someone who's there for them, to go up and ask how they're doing, even if we always lie and say good or fine because no one should be alone.
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