Monday, March 1, 2010

Solving the Puzzle without the Pieces

Day 1=success. I haven't told anyone about this yet and no one's found it. I posted the link on my facebook "my info" box. Quite honestly, I am terrified of someone finding this because I've put my flaws right out there. I've put myself out there, right in the open. This was always the reason why I never had a blog before, because I wasn't sure I could be open in writing. I like to pretend that I live in a perfect world, hide my flaws and doubts. I'm the master of putting on a happy face and smiling when I feel the world's going to pieces or I'm dying inside. I try not to let people see my struggles and my heartache and at the same time hide my greatest joys. I want people to care enough to solve the puzzle, but I hide all the pieces.

But yet...I do want someone to find this, to make it all worth it, for someone to see my accomplishment, struggle, and be proud of me too. I'm terrified, yet anxious at the same time

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