Monday, March 22, 2010

We're going to miss you Naji

Today we had to put my dog Naji down. So yeah, today was hard and it probably won't seem real until I come home in June and she's not running to the door to meet me. I first met Naji in 7th grade when a former neighbor spent the night at our house when dropping her off at the Charles Schultz Canine Companions School(service dog). At the time I was terrified of dogs but for some reason I connected with her and loved her. Six months later the neighbor called to tell us that Naji had flunked out of school(scared of loud noises) and to remind my parents how much I had loved her. My parents agreed to get her for me! We got her in September 2002, one week before I left for Japan for 8 days. A and I loved her and my parents were thrilled that she came with 28 commands--including peeing on command, a definite bonus. Despite her constant shedding, she was a dang smart dog and we loved her for it. I loved to surprise unknowing friends by having them tell her "lap"--she'd jump up on them with her front paws in their lap. When we'd take her for walks she'd drag us for the first half and then we'd have to drag her the last half. She had the most the sad, pathetic, 'woe is me' face when you'd put her in the shower. She defended my baby niece thinking that she was my niece's mommy, not letting any of the men near her.

We loved her. She stopped eating 2 weeks ago. The vet gave her antibiotics but they didn't help. Today she had an ultrasound and the specialist found a huge tumor on her spleen and told my parents that her abdomen was full of blood. He was shocked that she was still walking and had made it so long. My parents then had to make that heart-wrenching decision, one full of love, of knowing that there's something better and no one deserves to suffer, least of all someone so full of love. I'm going to miss her. We all will, even Haley who batted at her tail and chased her constantly. I'm so grateful for my parents who stayed with her until the end, who made the difficult decision of love. Love you baby girl, bye bye Naji girl <3 <3 <3

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