Ads: We get SO many ads, I think every store within 30 miles sends us inserts every week. I hate it; it's so much clutter!
Birthday Cards: I need to get back to making a sending them...I stopped because I got busy and thought that no one appreciated them, and I put so much effort in them(I guess a lesson for me on the importance of telling someone thank you, seriously it's 2 words people) but I found out that my niece takes it everywhere with her in the car and does the word search on it. Sincere appreciation really makes all the difference doesn't it?
Cell phone: It's acting up, like last week wouldn't keep a charge for a day and then was fine, so much for the indestructible phone.
Decor: I have such an itch to rearrange our furniture, good thing my mom is coming next week, maybe she can help me get it right
Excellent free food: this definitely went above and beyond thanks to 'Choose to Give,' promotions, nice TA's etc, it included 2 Mcdonald's smoothies, 1 hot dog, 1 hamburger, 1 tritip sandwick with chips, root beer, and brownie, 1 large chocolate chip cookie, 1 chocolate bar doughnut with coconut
Family: We had a new addition this week :) see below
Gross: P took the intake vent cover for the furnace off yesterday. More than 2 inches of solid, packed dust *shudders* probably hasn't been cleaned in decades
Hate: I'm sick of being hated by you. I'm not going anywhere. Grow up!
Ice cream: P and I went and got Creamery ice cream(he got raspberry sherbet, yes
Jim Lovell: A teacher(not one of my favorites) brought me a flyer from the administration about the upcoming forum because he remembered me mentioning weeks ago how I love Apollo 13. Seriously, it makes my day and I leave beaming when people surprising me by being that thoughtful
Kids: I finally got asked for the first time when we're planning on having kids; Here's your answer: not for a long time guys, we're both still in school and while some people do it, I'm not that good of a multitasker. I want to be able to be there for my kids, for them to be my number one priority. That being said, I'd absolutely love to be a mom but for now it's not the time.
Library: This is where I will be found this weekend if I stick to my plan
Movie: I watched part of the Princess Diaries and had forgotten so many things about it, lol
Naji: She's super sick, hasn't really eaten in over a week, blood tests show super high WBC counts and super low RBC counts...she's on antibiotics now but not out of the woods.
Overlook: it's amazing the things people overlook, so I'm telling you now, you need to take your quizzes by Friday at 11pm, we're not staying here for summer, I'm a redhead,etc so remember and plan accordingly
Pen: I had a friend give me a pen when I didn't have one in class. I didn't ask either; he just saw me digging through my backpack
Quelf: I really don't understand people's love with this game; both P and my families love it. Maybe it's the fact that we played it the first time I officially met P's family and the first card that I drew was 'put ice down your pants and sing ice, ice baby' how would that be for a good first impression...needless to say I didn't do it and took the penalty.
Research Papers: 1 due tuesday, 1 due friday, 1 outline due tomorrow
Sleep: I'm constantly tired, doesn't matter if I get 5 or 9 hours of sleep, I've abused my Circadian Rhythm too long; maybe I need to become like a little kid and start having a set bedtime and wake up time...wait maybe that's called maturity :)
Tate Logan Foussat: Aly had her baby on March 17th, 7:06pm, 6lb 9oz, 19inches, born on my mom's birthday to follow the trend :) Such a pretty boy! Congratulations!
Umbrella: It's raining today :( at least P picked me up from school
Visits: We are booking flights to Texas for the break between Winter and Spring semester so that we can visit P's family
Watermelon flavored toothpaste: did you know know they made that? I want some...
X: alright so I have to cheat here
eXams: my students have two exams this week: I hope they do well. I hope they realize how much I care about them. I really really really want them to do well and hope I've taught them enough.
Year: this time next year, we'll hopefully be accepted to grad school and I'll be on my last set of classes, crazy
Zero: number of meals I have made this week...FAIL (nuked baked potatoes and qusadillas don't count)